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Journeying into Full-Stack Web development.
A 100 day skill-up challenge, watch me go from literal zero to the top🚀
I was just finally able to beat procrastination and now I'm starting my journey into becoming a Full-Stack Web developer and Technical Writer, sounds cool? Knowing me to get easily distracted and not completing a task, one of the gifts of ADHD, I decided to challenge myself to show up everyday and document my struggles on reaching this goal, heard the famous saying "Challenges are best tackled with a group"? I'm sure you haven't, it just became a saying some micro seconds ago😂 and it's not famous yet, lol. Okay so back to my point, I decided to create a group for accountability purposes where people interested in picking up a Tech skill can come on and connect with like-minded individuals, boy am I glad I took this step, we've really helped each other the past few days, studying, motivating each other and also sharing of resources, back to me, I started my journey by learning HTML first. You might be surprised to know HTML isn't really a programming language, it's a markup language, HTML stands for Hyper Text Mark-up Language, it was invented by Tim Lee Berners in 1989, there have been different versions of HTML with the current version being HTML5, it is used to build the structures of websites, now let's go into what I learnt, I've learnt about the basics of the web and how the internet works, I learnt about Domain name resolution and IP addresses, HTML tags and attributes, meta tags, tables, nested tables, forms, boiler plates (reusable templates), HTTP/HTTPS, Cell spacings and many more. Since I'm not attending any boot-camps or what not, I decided to create a stackoverflow account to get help from developers around the world whenever I get stuck. I studied docs extensively, every developer needs to read the docs to truly understand any language, I used MDN docs and W3SCHOOLS documentation, is also a good place to get multiple docs in one place. has been my online playground for codes, I also use it as a place to store code, notes and tips I discover daily. Also been putting in some few hours to improve my design skills, starting a course on technical writing on tomorrow, I use Vscode and Brackets, but I've decided to try out Atom, since I have never used it, been using Vscode and Pycharm, most of my tech career. I think I should hang my pen here, oops, Felt nervous before I started this article and now I know I'm going to be writing this everyday, looking forward to telling you guys more about me and my journey. Hoping to become your favorite neighborhood tech superhero ❤️