Importance of sleep in a Developer's and student's life S1

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Importance of sleep in a Developer's and student's life S1

Why you should sleep atleast 5 hours daily.

Sleeping 8 hours a day kinda sounds cliche, but then it's very important as humans we spend hours sleeping, sleep is very essential for the body and mind, when we sleep our body enters a stage of recovery(your body repairs itself), this recovery helps us as our body produces and releases multiple hormones that are needed for different activities in the body, take the growth hormone, when you sleep the pituitary gland releases growth hormones, it's why many times we wake up and notice lots of changes in our physical appearance like height and size, the body also releases an hormone (A-DH) that keeps us from peeing through the hours we are sleeping.

When you sleep information taken into the brain for the day is processed, and the brain solidifies such information into your memory, sometimes during this process we tend to have dreams that seems absurd but have bits of our normal life, it's because the brain is still processing, choosing what information is important and which is not. Hormones are not just released when we sleep but some are reduced like the stress hormone, sleep or fun activities reduces cortisol levels in our bodies thereby reducing our stress levels.

Artificial lights has made it hard to sleep for many these days, it has one way or the other influenced our sleep pattern, a light as small as the reflection of your phones light has the power to put you out of sleep for a time if you wake up to such light, you should always turn off your devices when you go to bed especially your TV, it's been proven that many health issues are caused by a lack of good sleep or bad sleeping pattern, I for one have a very bad sleeping pattern and I'm working on it, many mental issues are directly related to poor sleep, and cardiovascular issues too.

    If you want to stay healthy and live long, I'd recommend you sleep for enough hours to allow your body rest and repair itself, I currently sleep an average of 3 hours at night, I think it's fair coupled with a bit of naps during the day, I would be delving deeper on my next article on sleep, I made this as an introduction (to be honest it was a late minute change from writing about what I learnt today). Few hours from now I'd post a continuation and more detailed article on this topic.